Rising to the Challenge

Sex at the Olympics has always been a favourite topic as the Games near their conclusion, and with Brazil being the land of the Samba and the Jongo a higher number of athletes rising to the occasion is expected in

Power the Most Corruptive Drug in Sport

Is it time for change in World Sport? The Olympic Games, although only a few days old have already shown how horribly out of touch some of those governing sport are with the fans of the sports they represent, as

The Right to Play God Puts the Olympic Ideal at Risk

There have been many debates over the years on how the professionalism of sport has killed the spectacle. Rather than a coach and an assistant coach of yesteryear the top teams around the world now have full time physios, sports

Searching for a Saviour

It was a victory of good over evil. Or was it Champion over cheat? Usain Bolt’s victory over Justin Gatlin in the 100m final in Beijing was a victory that many said had to happen for the sake of Athletics.

Selection Process Starts Again

Organisers of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics have taken the step of officially launching the bidding process for sports hoping to be added to the Summer Games in Japan, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) confirmed last week. The two news sports