The Competition for Dollars, Who Will be Disqualified

At the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games a series of images were used to embody what is known as the Olympic Spirit. One such image was of Tanzanian Marathon runner John Akwhari who in Mexico in 1968 famously came staggering into

The Sore Points of Hosting

What is it they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? No matter how carefully you plan an event, and how many people check and double check that everything is in place and that there will be

Olympic Games Hosting To Be Limited To A Few Cities

Bidding for the world’s major sporting events is an expensive business, as Australia found out in its failed attempt to host the FIFA World Cup. It appears that the Governing bodies are aware that many Governments in tough economic times

Have National Olympic Committees A Future?

Every two years all of those countries who compete at the Summer and Winter Olympic Games become aware of their National Olympic Committee, the athletes are fully aware of these bodies, but many armchair fans are less aware. As of

The Cost Of Sport

It was World Series Cricket in the late 1970’s that forced the Cricket establishments around the world to start paying the players a wage that meant that they could truly focus on just cricket. Following the commercial success of the