High Fives – If Used Properly

The International Hockey Federation’s bi-ennial Congress was held over the weekend in New Delhi. Much of the event was live-streamed and fans could tune in and hear what was said, and also gauge the reactions of delegates. There were a

The Beauty of Sport

In the past two months two sporting World Cups have come to an end and it is fair to say both were a resounding success. So why are so many sports hell-bent on trying to convince sports fans that new

Damned If they Do, Damned If they Don’t.

There have been many examples of sports administrators making decisions that defy logic, and when these occur they rightly deserve criticism. However sometimes they find themselves stuck between a rock and hard place as to what exactly is the right

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

The Olympic motto has always been Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for ” Faster, Higher, Stronger,” but is the latin word Maior about to be added? Maior which means “Bigger.” The FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympic Games

Who’s Left?

At a time when Hockey should be looking forward to the year ahead and concentrating on the finalising of the revolutionary Pro-League it appears as if it is instead a time for introspection. Which understandably has many who love the