Time to Restore the Trust With Transparency

It was in December 2015 that the sporting world woke up to hear that law enforcement authorities had swooped and arrested many of the top officials in FIFA. Charges were laid against 18 individuals from 12 different countries. Those arrested

Podcast #95 – Australian Hockey Olympian Don Smart, Why Tokyo Can’t Cancel the Olympics and Why “Sandpaper Gate” Will Never Go Away.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Time for another show, and there is plenty to discuss in the world of sport! Our special guest on this show is a hockey player from the Golden Era of Australian hockey, a man regarded by many as one of

Time To Let Go?

Most of us have at some point in our lives been in a situation where we have had to let go. It may have been a sick pet, a bad job, or a partner. It can at times be heart-wrenching,

Ripping Up The Rules.

Imagine your sport without any rules. It would be complete mayhem. Even when kids play their own games they create an imaginary boundary along the edge of their playing area, they have jumpers an equal distance apart for goals, if

Is It Time For More Golden Moments?

Is modern day sport about the contest, or is it purely about entertainment? Ask the television executives who are now the ones predominantly funding sport, and they will tell you that is all about entertainment. Ask the average fan and