W league

Women Seeking Equality

It was back in 1999 that the ABC’s Media watch program broke the ‘Cash for Comments’ story. In it they revealed that high profile radio personalities had been paid for making favourable comments on air about certain major businesses. There

It Doesn’t Add Up

Mathematics is certainly not our strong point, but with a limited knowledge of this subject there are a few things that simply don’t add up. A year ago Football West decided to start stating how many people were playing football

Time to Reform is an Opportunity For Change

News overnight that the Football Federation Australia has bowed to demands for reform from FIFA and the AFC, which should result in A-League clubs have a bigger say in the way forward and the running of the game in Australia

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

It was in August 2011 that Football West announced that NIB Stadium and its then management company Allia Management had signed on as a “corporate partner for Football West’s community events.” At the time of the announcement CEO of NIB

Hold The Praise

Today Frank Lowy steps aside from his role as Chairman of the Football Federation of Australia. It is the end of an era, of that there can be no doubt. There are some who will say it was a magnificent