Tokyo Olympics

Has The Golden Goose Been Cooked?

This decade has started off as a testing one for sport and its broadcasters, and that is unlikely to change in the coming years. Television deals have been a major revenue stream for many sports. The top sports, in terms

Podcast #102 – Robin Arkell Talks Strength and Conditioning, While We Ask Should There Be A Statute of Limitations on Athletes and How Many Sports Have Changed Tack During Covid.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you to everyone who tuned into the last podcast which had one of the highest number of people listen since we changed over from a live show to a podcast format. Hopefully as many will tune in to this

What Is A National Sport?

The term ‘our national sport’ has been bandied around a fair bit in the Australian media and also the international media in the past fortnight, but what is a national sport? Does giving a sport a name that includes the

The Times… Could They Be A-Changing?

If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, was an oft used phrase when players appear to bow to intense pressure. Now we do not hear it quite as much as we have become more attuned to

Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 5)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

The Games come to an end tomorrow and I head home. They have been an Olympic Games like no other. Hopefully we will never seen another Games like these in Tokyo, where the fans are locked out. Looking back there