Shaun Pollock

Some Achieve Greatness, and Others Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them. 

There can be no doubt that when it comes to sport today the words ‘legend’ and ‘great’ are overused. In the past week a former Socceroo was referred to as a “Legend.” A player who played 29 internationals, and without

Podcast #74 – Squash Take a Stand, Its Just Not Cricket, and the Russians Banned

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Our first show of 2020, and there sure was plenty to discuss. Happy New Year to all sports fans. Our guest on this show is former Australian squash player Dean Williams who is now the CEO of Squash Western Australia.

No Ball Nonsense

There are numerous motivation quotes adorning the walls of sporting changing rooms around the globe. One of the most used is “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Following the recent test match in Sydney between Australia and New Zealand and