
Simply The Best?

When it comes to World Cup events in sport do we want to see the best teams in the world compete for the ultimate prize? Or do we want to see the best teams from each region in the World

Money or Nothing?

When it comes to sport everyone loves an underdog. That is until the underdog beats the team that you support! One of the things that made the recent FIFA World Cup such a success was the fact that the ‘usual

Crossing the Line – A World Cup Debate

Goalkeepers over the years have been called many things, crazy, being the mildest of the tags they have been given. Some have unfortunately been accused of influencing games with their performances. Yet few have been labeled cheats. Interestingly this was

Total Respect

There is a famous saying that says a referee is like a tap, you only notice it when it is not working properly. Referees and umpires,like players, make mistakes, unfortunately for them many of their mistakes are remembered by fans

Podcast #53 – Former Kookaburra Mark Knowles, The ICC Make a Wise Decision, Is Selection at the FFA Linked to Marketing, and So Much More

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you for all your feedback on the last show and our interview with Brand expert David Mitchell, hopefully you will find this show just as interesting. Our guest on this show is a man who has to be one