national associations

Is It Time For More Golden Moments?

Is modern day sport about the contest, or is it purely about entertainment? Ask the television executives who are now the ones predominantly funding sport, and they will tell you that is all about entertainment. Ask the average fan and

Away From The Numbers

News from Lausanne last week that the International Hockey Federation had signed a ten-year deal with a company that is going to deliver digital media solutions and a “ground-breaking fan engagement service,” was no doubt music to many hockey fans

Something’s Gotta Give

One thing that hopefully Australia has learned during this period in history is that too many tiers of Governance leads to confusion. We have had our Federal Government make an announcement, but then the State Governments have made their own

Feeling The Pinch

The postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games will cost the International Olympic Committee “several hundred million dollars” of added costs President Thomas Bach told German newspaper Die Welt. In the same interview he went on to say that it