
Crossing The Line – Politics and Sport

“It used to be all about winning,” those were the words uttered by a top athlete from the United States about sport in his era, the 1980’s. “Now it’s about entertainment,” he added with a tone of regret. Few would

Is Resentment The Cause Of Hostility?

These are confusing times, and there is no doubt that the world is a very different place. Priorities have changed. As many hockey fans will be aware there has been plenty of fur flying since the winners of the FIH

Public Opinion – It Cuts Both Ways.

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” These words were uttered by French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, who passed away in 2007. He was respected globally for

Time To Give The Fans And Potential Fans Clarity

It was the former mayor of Carmel, movie star, and Hollywood director Clint Eastwood who said, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one.” There are many who will tell you that often assholes are the ones with opinions. That

Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 5)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

The Games come to an end tomorrow and I head home. They have been an Olympic Games like no other. Hopefully we will never seen another Games like these in Tokyo, where the fans are locked out. Looking back there