
The Deadend

Sometimes in sport being talented is not enough. As we frequently hear in football today players are rejected because they are too small; they didn’t say that to Maradona or Lionel Messi! Then there are players with a bad attitude,

No Conspiracy Behind the Home and Away League

Ever since the introduction of artificial turf at the 1976 Olympic Games the hockey nations from the sub-continent have claimed that this was a deliberate move by powers within the game of hockey to halt their success. The reason given

Is A Club About to be Consigned to History?

Sport survives on emotions. The emotions that the players draw from us with their performances live with us for many years. The successes and failures of the teams that we support see us ride a rollercoaster of emotions. Anyone who

Olympic Games Hosting To Be Limited To A Few Cities

Bidding for the world’s major sporting events is an expensive business, as Australia found out in its failed attempt to host the FIFA World Cup. It appears that the Governing bodies are aware that many Governments in tough economic times

FFA and FIFA Face Off

The wheels in sports administration move very slowly when they are asked to take action, but those under their control are expected to jump when the administrators come calling. It would appear that the Football Federation of Australia may well