
Time to Look at Quality Rather Than Quantity

The world of coaching has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. If the age-old quote that claimed your were not a good manager until you had been sacked is true there must be a hell of a lot of

Is The Pro League Heading in The Right Direction?

It was an interesting week in the world of Field Hockey last week. First of all there was the announcement from the game’s governing body, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) on the punishment to be handed down to Pakistan for

The Selection Policy

Sport is loved by many the world over. Yet how many people really know the sport they love? They may know individual teams, players or statistics and results from years gone by, but how many know how the sport is

How the Mighty Have Fallen

It was sad to wake up this morning and read the news that Pakistan’s Hockey team had withdrawn from the FIH Pro-League. It was sad, but came as no surprise. Some may ask why it was sad. To this writer

Will Bigger Mean Better?

Last week the Football Federation of Australia announced two new Franchises for the A-League.  It is fair to say that the announcement was met by indifference rather than excitement.  One new team, Western Melbourne will join the A-League in season