David Warner

It’s Just Not Wickets

There is no doubt that the Cricket World Cup was a game that no one who watched it will ever forget. It is a game that has had many feeling that there did not deserve to be a loser. Certainly

Podcast #62 – Mobile Baseball, Cricket and the Cost of the Olympic score under the microscope.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It’s good to be back for the first podcast of 2019. Our guest on this show is a man who will be familiar to those in Baseball in Australia having been involved in the game here. Owen Reid is now

Following The Line

You only have to look at the world of Politics to see how certain Media outlets rather than reporting the facts and letting the public draw its own conclusions seek to influence public opinion. What makes sport any different? Anyone

The Cost of Fast Food Sport

Every sports fan knows that at the elite level sport needs television. It is the television deals that inject the finances to keep the game afloat at the highest level. Yet in many cases those funds do not filter down

Memories that Last, Will the Cricket World Cup 2015 Deliver?

They say that age catches up with us all, and watching the Cricket World Cup labour its way through the group stage this writer realises that he yearns for yesteryear. I am old enough to remember the first Cricket World