
Podcast #102 – Robin Arkell Talks Strength and Conditioning, While We Ask Should There Be A Statute of Limitations on Athletes and How Many Sports Have Changed Tack During Covid.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you to everyone who tuned into the last podcast which had one of the highest number of people listen since we changed over from a live show to a podcast format. Hopefully as many will tune in to this

The Sponsorship Gamble.

Going back over 100 years there have been people in sport who have believed that they are above the laws of the game and have flagrantly ignored what many refer to as the ‘spirit of the game.’ With so much

Where Have The All Rounders Gone?

The Ashes series for 2021/22 will soon be upon us and hopefully the action on the pitch will become the focus of attention. It has been truly remarkable how much has been written and reported about this upcoming series that

Is History Repeating With The A-League?

Is it a case of history repeating when it comes to football in Australia? For many football fans in Australia the Hyundai A-League was going to be a new beginning for the sport. Football was finally going to become a

Vale: Frank Burrows

It was sad to read in the past few days of the passing of Scottish footballer and manager Frank Burrows. Frank Burrows arrived at the club I support just as I graduated from nappies and long before I was even