World Cup

Mistimed Messaging?

In sport, and in life timing can be everything. Today the FIFA Women’s World Cup will start, a tournament hosted for the first time in Australia and New Zealand. It is likely to be a huge event for both countries

And So It Continues…

There is nothing wrong with promoting an event. There is also nothing wrong with being caught up in the emotion of an event, but the way the hosting of the FIFA Women’s World Cup is being used by some is

Managing Expectations

In just over three weeks the FIFA Women’s World Cup will kick off in Australia and New Zealand. Without doubt this will be the biggest event for football in this part of the World, surpassing the Asian Cup hosting in

Sport’s Feudal System?

The Feudal system was something that many of a certain age learned about at school in history lessons. It was a social and political system in the middle ages in which landholders provided land to tenants in exchange for their

Perceptions Must Not Define You

They say perception is reality. Which means that people form an impression of something, and then no matter what the truth may be that is how people see that thing. Once such a situation arises it is very hard to