World Champion

Different Views of the Same Event

In sport we a rare constantly bombarded with superlatives, but surfer Mick Fanning’s encounter with a shark surpassed any superlative that any commentator or reporter could muster. Credit should be given to the organisers of the J-Bay Open World Surf

For Those Who Say, ‘No Way.’

With much of the Commonwealth Games coverage in Australia being focussed purely on Australian athletes and teams one amazing story – no doubt there were many more – slipped past us, and that was the story of England marathon runner

No Entry

It was described as a “Visa Mix-up” but the USA immigration’s denying former World Champion boxer Ricky Hatton entry may be a warning to many other sports stars. Hatton was due to fly to Las Vegas to work as a

Grudge on the Menu

Britain’s number one exponent in Taekwondo Aaron Cook was overlooked for Team GB even though he was the reigning world champion because he opted to follow his own training regime rather than the one run by the national body. His

The Gloves Are Off

Taiwanese tycoon Dr CK Wu whose ambitions go far beyond simply ruling the Boxing world was hit with a good old one-two in the past week. Dr Wu has made no secret of his plans to try and take over