Women’s Hockey World Cup

An Opportunity For Change

Yesterday the President of the FIH Narinder Dhruv Batra resigned from his position as head of the world sport. He did the honourable thing. Faced with yet another court case in India, and having the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Sporting Unity

Sport over the years has witnessed some wonderful signs of unity, times where political and religious differences have been set aside, and athletes have risen above such clashes and respected their opponents as fellow athletes and individuals. Of course sadly

Tap Into Talent

Let’s face it sport today has never been more accessible to fans. You can watch games live at the stadium, on TV, via your phone, tablet or laptop. There are so many ways to watch sport, and now there are

Simply The Best?

When it comes to World Cup events in sport do we want to see the best teams in the world compete for the ultimate prize? Or do we want to see the best teams from each region in the World

Equality in Coverage of Women’s Sport?

Ask any sports administrator around the globe who is involved in a sport that is not the “national” sport how hard it is to get media coverage and they will tell you it is nigh on impossible. This is still