
Is Success not Being Predictable?

How does one measure the success of a sport in the modern era? The answer invariably is it depends upon who you talk to. Is it based on the attendance figures at live games? Is it based on the viewing

Has The Golden Goose Been Cooked?

This decade has started off as a testing one for sport and its broadcasters, and that is unlikely to change in the coming years. Television deals have been a major revenue stream for many sports. The top sports, in terms

An Opportunity For Change

Yesterday the President of the FIH Narinder Dhruv Batra resigned from his position as head of the world sport. He did the honourable thing. Faced with yet another court case in India, and having the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

The Decline of The Sports Report

The newspaper industry was without doubt one of the slowest to react to the dawn of the digital age. While some have now caught up and have a business model that not only works and is bringing in money, many

Sport For All? The Equality Conunudrum

What is equality? Is there really a place for it in sport? The Oxford English Dictionary explains equality as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.” Now that is easy to understand. Move on to the