test matches

At Sixes and Sevens? Or Should That Be Sixes and Fives?

Who remembers what an autostereogram is? It was the name for one of those pictures that looked like nothing, but when you stared at it for long enough the picture hidden inside suddenly became clear, and popped out at you.

Four Day Tests. Are They About Saving or Making Money?

Why are sports administrators so hellbent on change?  Is this their way of making sure that when they move onto the next job they have something to put on their resume? That they oversaw a particular change, irrespective as to

Time to Pay Attention

Frequently Sport is built around myths. Today some of the ‘myths’ are in fact well planned and orchestrated to sway opinion. In a world where shortened games of the sports we love are becoming the norm, there are plenty of

Old Father Time

The old saying used to be that you knew you were getting old when the Police looked younger than you. As it is rare to see a member of the constabulary these days, this is no longer such a good

Game, Set and No Match Day Programme

With the dawn of the Internet we were told that all the answers we were looking for would be found on the World Wide Web. We were told that libraries would shut down, book and magazines would become things of