
Pent up About Pentathlon

The founder of the modern Olympic Games Baron Pierre de Coubertin was born 150 years ago this year, and one has to wonder how he would feel if as is predicted one of the events he championed is dropped when

Time for More Honesty

With the rain falling persistently over the weekend it was a chance to take in more sport than normal via the television, and sitting there trying to avoid the betting updates plastered over the screen one thing became abundantly clear,

No Longer Skirting the Issue

Sometimes it is better is sports administrators let common sense prevail and even better that they say nothing. Badminton’s world body announced this week that it has shelved plans to force female players to wear skirts. The decision was made

Bang for Your Buck

In modern day sport it is essential that teams have strong links with their sponsors, and that those sponsors get maximum exposure for their dollar investment. Hence one of our pet hates, players have a baseball hat or drink thrust

What Happened to an Orange at Half Time?

As someone who is involved in the broadcasting of sport you would probably expect me to be in favour of innovation, and in some cases I am, if it improves the coverage of the game. I have personally never been