
Time to Pay Attention

Frequently Sport is built around myths. Today some of the ‘myths’ are in fact well planned and orchestrated to sway opinion. In a world where shortened games of the sports we love are becoming the norm, there are plenty of

A Matter of Interpretation?

Being a referee or an umpire in sport today is no easy task. As most will know the respect that they used to command has been eroded. Some blame professionalism and the money now tied up in sport, but that

The Selection Policy

Sport is loved by many the world over. Yet how many people really know the sport they love? They may know individual teams, players or statistics and results from years gone by, but how many know how the sport is

It’s Just Not Cricket

The question is where will it all end? We are seeing the sports that we – well those of us over a certain age – have watched for years being constantly the victims of “Innovation.” The reasons for these “innovations”

High Fives – If Used Properly

The International Hockey Federation’s bi-ennial Congress was held over the weekend in New Delhi. Much of the event was live-streamed and fans could tune in and hear what was said, and also gauge the reactions of delegates. There were a