T20 World Cup

Sport’s Feudal System?

The Feudal system was something that many of a certain age learned about at school in history lessons. It was a social and political system in the middle ages in which landholders provided land to tenants in exchange for their

Time To Lose The Labels?

“Sport should be an escape,” was a term shared with me recently by a former elite sportsperson, who is still involved coaching the next generation. The term struck a chord. For ask any medical practitioner and they will advise people

Short Formats of Sport May End Up Being The Short Straw For Some

Sport should be black and white, as after all there are usually winners and there are losers; occasionally honours are shared. In some sports where the result is based on a judges opinion it can be subjective, and history is

Too Much International Sport?

Playing for your country is the pinnacle in most sports. It is an honour and a privilege, and something that once achieved can never be take away. In some countries it is still a treasured moment every time a player

Crossing The Line – Politics and Sport

“It used to be all about winning,” those were the words uttered by a top athlete from the United States about sport in his era, the 1980’s. “Now it’s about entertainment,” he added with a tone of regret. Few would