
Oops Terry’s Done It Again

Is professional sport there for the athletes or is it there for the fans? Or is it simply a money making business of which both athletes and fans are secondary? It would appear that some sports do not know the

It Matters If you Are Black, or White.

Frequently our world leaders tell us we live in a multicultural world, a world of tolerance, yet almost every week the actions of some contradict the statements of our world leaders. Too often in modern society these same leaders pander

The Return of the Referee

Being a referee or an umpire in any sport is a thankless task, and one that few ever receive the respect or credit they deserve. The reason being that good officials are hardly noticed while bad ones stand out. In

Sorensen Signing Could Start a Trend

It could well be the best move any A-League club has made and may well have many asking the question why did no one do it earlier. We are talking about Melbourne City signing Danish goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen. Sorensen has

Celebrating Milestones, But Still Struggling for Recognition

The A-League is celebrating ten years in existence, and is soon to enter those terrible teenage years. It has faced a number of challenges in recent years, clubs withdrawing, owners walking away and this season probably one of its biggest,