
Prophetic Words?

Last week followers of football were shocked to hear that the A-League had laid off 50% of their staff. Then probably the bigger shock was that this equated to around 40 people. Which caused many to ask why the A-League

You Cannot Put a Price on Integrity

Transparency and integrity are words that are frequently bandied about in the modern sporting world. Words that decades ago rarely needed to be mentioned, as at that time it was accepted by all that the majority in sport played and

Has The Golden Goose Been Cooked?

This decade has started off as a testing one for sport and its broadcasters, and that is unlikely to change in the coming years. Television deals have been a major revenue stream for many sports. The top sports, in terms

To Broadcast Or Not, That Is The Question

In this current day and age, it appears that every sport wants a slice of the money available from television. Yet how many truly warrant receiving money from the television stations for airing their particular sport? Does their sport bring

Podcast #57 – Underground Watering of Pitches, The Impact of Broadcasters Moving into the Digital space and the Future of Combat Sports

Not the Footy Show Podcast

There is no doubt that sport is constantly changing and this show we look at some of those changes and whether they will be taken up and how big an impact they will have. Our guest on this show is