Stuart Broad

No Ball Nonsense

There are numerous motivation quotes adorning the walls of sporting changing rooms around the globe. One of the most used is “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Following the recent test match in Sydney between Australia and New Zealand and

It’s Just Not Wickets

There is no doubt that the Cricket World Cup was a game that no one who watched it will ever forget. It is a game that has had many feeling that there did not deserve to be a loser. Certainly

Do Australia’s Team ‘Cultures’ Reflect The Nation?

Whenever we hear sports coaches, players or even administrators interviewed in the modern era the word “culture” is a strong chance to be mentioned. There are ‘good cultures,’ ‘bad Cultures,’ ‘winning Cultures’ and ‘losing cultures.’ The crucial thing is every

Facing the Facts – England Simply Was Not Good Enough

The Ashes series for 2017/18 has come to an end and Australia were worthy winners. Yet reading some reviews of the series one would think it was a far closer affair than it ended up. Sure there were key moments

Are The Players Totally to Blame?

There is more money in sport today, and athletes play more games, and as a result many records from the past tumble on a regular basis. However are these records beaten by players with higher levels of skill or simply