State League

Knowing Your Rights Can Pay Dividends

When “New Football” was created, the new structure, the new people, the new clubs and the new state bodies, it was agreed that the game in Australia needed stability in those early years. For that stability there had to be

Open to Interpretation

There is an old saying that rules are to be obeyed by the foolish and are guidelines for the wise. There are many in various walks of life in Western Australia, Australia and the world who live by this code.

It Doesn’t Add Up

Mathematics is certainly not our strong point, but with a limited knowledge of this subject there are a few things that simply don’t add up. A year ago Football West decided to start stating how many people were playing football

Is This The End of The Matter?

“It’s a funny old game,” is a phrase constantly used in football and especially by Jimmy Greaves. Never was the term more appropriate in relation to the game than in Western Australia. However, not funny as in amusing, funny as