State League

They Only Come Out At Night

The Pre-season Night Series competition used to be a big event in Western Australian football. It is sad to see where the tournament is today from where it used to be.. No longer are all of the teams that play

No Winners in Blame Game

United we stand, divided we fall. if only there was more of the United we stand in football. Is there a correlation between the standard of the game locally and the dawn of social media? Or is it more aligned

Wanting to Play, or Not Wanting to Pay?

While debate continues as to whether the local football competitions continue or not, and under what format they do, maybe it is time to look at the real issue in all of this, money. Football West and a number of

2020 Resumption of Sport Opens up Opportunities

They say out of adversity comes opportunity, but to be able to see those opportunities can sometimes be hard. There are many who want to see local sport back being played. The players want to play, the coaches want to