Seoul 1988

The Times… Could They Be A-Changing?

If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, was an oft used phrase when players appear to bow to intense pressure. Now we do not hear it quite as much as we have become more attuned to

Paying A Price For The Past?

There is nothing sadder than witnessing a once great team unravel. The Australian Women’s Hockey team were the cream of the crop for a long time. Denied the opportunity to play at the 1980 Olympic Games the first in which

Stick to Facts

The current global situation has been exacerbated in recent times due to poor leadership and a great deal of misinformation being spread online and via a number of media outlets. If you want proof of that the last 24 hours

We Are Made By History

Why is it that in today’s world those running not just sport are prepared to put forward ill-conceived ideas and genuinely believe that people are going to accept their preposterous suggestions? Maybe because some people are simply happy to go

Rising to the Challenge

Sex at the Olympics has always been a favourite topic as the Games near their conclusion, and with Brazil being the land of the Samba and the Jongo a higher number of athletes rising to the occasion is expected in