semi finals

The Sore Points of Hosting

What is it they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? No matter how carefully you plan an event, and how many people check and double check that everything is in place and that there will be

A State of Indifference?

Western Australia has a proud footballing history. Fifty years ago this year the State became the first Australian representative team to compete in an Asian tournament, the Merdeka Cup in Malaysia. The Socceroos had been invited but had to decline,

The Romance Of the Cup Is Alive in WA, Let’s Ensure It’s Here to Stay

Trust is a word that is fast becoming outdated. Trust that people will do the right thing in football has become very much a thing of the past. Clubs no longer ask a club if they may talk to a

Time to Stand Up, and Together

At the start of this week it was revealed that the Victorian clubs in their National Premier Leagues competition are adding heat to the argument that the A-league needs expansion, and that the current model needs to move away from

Home or Away? When Does it Matter?

In every sporting contest they say that if you want to win championships you must win your home games. This becomes even more important in competitions where travel is a big issue. In the 2017 edition of the Hockey India