
The A-League – A Time To Reflect and Change?

‘What has gone wrong with the A-League?’ This was a question posed at a dinner table on the weekend. The person who posed the question had recently read the article “A-League Audience Figures Fall To Alarming New Lows on Channel

Neutrality Not Tied to Nationality

It is probably a fair statement to claim that probably the worst sports official you will ever come up against in all your years of playing will be the parent of one of your opponents. Regrettably these parents feel that

Declined – Insufficient Funds

How many sports in Australia are self supporting? That is a question every sports fan or participant should be asking, and whether their sport is self supporting. The terrifying answer is that very few are , in other words they

A Level Paying Field

Whenever people refer to sporting contests the phrase ‘it must be an even playing field’ invariably pops up. Over the years the interpretation of the phrase has changed. It used to mean that the conditions for all contests and or

Has The NPL Derailed Football in WA?

We have all heard stories of gamblers who keep betting $20 sums or more and lose track of how much they have spent. Their spend may be between $200 – $500 before they record a $100 win that they celebrate