
Equality or Equity, Which is Really Going to Carry Sport Forward?

The world of sport can be a complex place at times. First and foremost it is a competitive environment. In almost every sport individuals and teams compete against each other in order to find a winner. Despite the modern trend

Podcast #107 – Employment In Sport, Making Sure You Check The Facts. If Sport Is A Business Is It Time The Same Rules and Principles Applied? 

Not the Footy Show Podcast

As a coach or a sports administrator you are often damned if you do and damned if you don’t. In this podcast we look closely at the employment arena as it is today. There are many who are embellishing their

Time To Give The Fans And Potential Fans Clarity

It was the former mayor of Carmel, movie star, and Hollywood director Clint Eastwood who said, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one.” There are many who will tell you that often assholes are the ones with opinions. That

Open to Interpretation?

Many believe that one of the issues that has held hockey back from becoming a bigger sport globally is that so many of the rules are interpretive, and left to an individual’s opinion, rather than set in stone. The same

Voting Rights or Wrongs?

On the 18th of May 1860 the United States Republicans voted after a third ballot for Abraham Lincoln to be their Presidential candidate; he would go on to become the United States 16thPresident.  The favourite in the Republican election for