
This Sporting Life

If current players influence the players of the future, and the top coaches of the past and today influence many coaching and planning to coach, who influences sports administrators? This may seem a strange question, but personally I am greatly

Games Without Frontiers

Over the years we have seen Politicians use Sport to gain popularity, but sport is not linked to political persuasions, and is rarely played on religious grounds. Sport is something that has the power to unite and have people put

Time to Leave Home

Football West Chairman Liam Twigger has penned a letter to 40,000 participants in the sport asking for their support for a Home of Football; Yet, being pedantic Mr Twigger continually refers to the sport as “soccer” in his letter. He

Chance for the Big Clubs to Help the Little Ones

It is great that so many European footballing sides have opted to come to Australia in their pre-season, but sadly it is not all to do with goodwill. Neither is it all as rosy a picture as many of the