perth glory

Penalties Carry a Weight and That May Not be Healthy

The supplementary income of Perth Glory players has been a hot topic in recent weeks. Payments which have been exposed may mean that some players will have to curb their spending and tighten their belts as the additional money they

Celebrating Milestones, But Still Struggling for Recognition

The A-League is celebrating ten years in existence, and is soon to enter those terrible teenage years. It has faced a number of challenges in recent years, clubs withdrawing, owners walking away and this season probably one of its biggest,

Time To Move On

It was the former co-owner of Perth Glory, John Spence, who coined the very apt phrase that owning a football club in the A-League was ” A billionaire’s club for millionaires.” Sometimes one has to ask why would anyone want

The Resignation That Had to Be

The CEO of Perth Glory Jason Brewer has resigned, which was no great surprise in light of all that has happened in the club in the past month. Perth Glory will now have to appoint their 7th CEO in the

A-League Needs to Review Salary Cap

There are many who are claiming that Perth Glory’s punishment for breaching the Salary Cap in the A-League could be a watershed moment for the competition, and they could well be right. It is pleasing to hear that Perth Glory