
Equality or Equity, Which is Really Going to Carry Sport Forward?

The world of sport can be a complex place at times. First and foremost it is a competitive environment. In almost every sport individuals and teams compete against each other in order to find a winner. Despite the modern trend

The Charlesworth Classic Conundrum

When it comes to great Western Australian sports people there will always be debate as to who ranks where. There are currently six Western Australians in the Sport Australia Hall of Legends, Margaret Court, Herb Elliott, Dennis Lillee, Walter Lindrum,

Sport For All? The Equality Conunudrum

What is equality? Is there really a place for it in sport? The Oxford English Dictionary explains equality as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.” Now that is easy to understand. Move on to the

Time to Increase the Opportunities

The world has changed a great deal in the past forty years, and the rate of change continues to increase. Some of that change is for the better, and some is not. As a very young child when forced to