new zealand

Sport For Sport’s Sake or What’s Good For Business?

One of the great things about sport was that it reflected life. Sometimes it was unfair, but you had to get on with it just the same. It never paid to dwell on those times. Equally sometimes luck went your

No Substitute For History

“The only thing that is constant is change” is an oft used quote given by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Heraclitus was known as the “dark philosopher” as his writings were deemed so hard to understand, and also because he apparently

A Matter of Interpretation?

Being a referee or an umpire in sport today is no easy task. As most will know the respect that they used to command has been eroded. Some blame professionalism and the money now tied up in sport, but that

Setting Their Sights Too High?

There would not be a sports fan in the country who is not aware what a disaster Australia’s bid was to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It was a campaign that showed just how naive those running the game

It’s Just Not Wickets

There is no doubt that the Cricket World Cup was a game that no one who watched it will ever forget. It is a game that has had many feeling that there did not deserve to be a loser. Certainly