Nelson Mandela

New National Premier League – The Move That Had to Happen

All sport essentially belongs to the people who play it, coach it, officiate it, and watch it. So why is it that many who are privileged to work within the sporting world seek to gain personally from that involvement? Why

Games Without Frontiers

Over the years we have seen Politicians use Sport to gain popularity, but sport is not linked to political persuasions, and is rarely played on religious grounds. Sport is something that has the power to unite and have people put

The Final Whistle

Sport is so much more than a game. It is so much more than just entertainment. It teaches us so many lessons about life. It was the French writer Albert Camus who played in goal who said “Everything I know about

Vale Jonah Lomu

He was labelled the first “superstar of rugby.” There are some who will argue that Colin “Pinetree” Meads, Barry John or JPR Williams were superstars before him, but they never received the coverage that Jonah Lomu’s feats did, as in

Rainbow Nation Not All Black and White

The Springboks dramatic loss to Japan at the Rugby World Cup over the weekend may be great news for Japanese rugby, and also for the competition itself, as the competition needs upsets such as this, but it could be a