
Open to Interpretation

There is an old saying that rules are to be obeyed by the foolish and are guidelines for the wise. There are many in various walks of life in Western Australia, Australia and the world who live by this code.

Family Values

Ever since the Football Federation came into being they have pushed the phrase the “Football Family” down everyone throats, when at times it has felt far from a happy family. Under the leadership of the former Chairman Frank Lowy no

Two Into One Does Go

They say that you can’t put a square peg into a round hole, but it appears that you can put two rectangular sports into a glass box. News that Perth Glory have moved into the wonderful facility built by the

Costs Exceed Expectations

Owning a football club is an expensive business and as many who have done so have said a surefire way to lose money. Many believe that success on the pitch automatically leads to success off the pitch, in the commercial

Time to Accentuate the Positive

Nobody likes a whinger, especially Australians. Unfortunately Perth Glory are beginning to get a reputation for whingeing. First up they were upset that they were not given the hosting rights for the FFA Cup final played at the weekend. Their