Matt Favier

Perceptions Must Not Define You

They say perception is reality. Which means that people form an impression of something, and then no matter what the truth may be that is how people see that thing. Once such a situation arises it is very hard to

The Resignation The Sport Had To Have

In November of 1990 with Australia in a recession the former Prime Minister of Australia, who was at that time the Treasurer, Paul Keating, uttered the famous line “this is a recession that Australia had to have.” On Monday of

More Questions Than Answers

“Leaders are not born. … They are made” is a theory that many will attest to. There are some who take the opposite approach, and believe that “leaders are born and cannot be made.” It was famed American Football Coach

Paying A Price For The Past?

There is nothing sadder than witnessing a once great team unravel. The Australian Women’s Hockey team were the cream of the crop for a long time. Denied the opportunity to play at the 1980 Olympic Games the first in which

Declined – Insufficient Funds

How many sports in Australia are self supporting? That is a question every sports fan or participant should be asking, and whether their sport is self supporting. The terrifying answer is that very few are , in other words they