Manchester United

A Day That Should Be Remembered

There are some anniversaries that sporting teams like to let pass with little or no fanfare, and understandably so. One such anniversary passed just over a week ago and while there was little in the British press there was understandably

The Demise of The Manager

Has the dawn of the coach seen the demise of the manager, and as a result impacted on teams and clubs? Football fans of all ages know the names of the great managers in the game, the likes of Sir

An Own Goal?

As we have seen there have been some incredible acts of kindness shown during these times by individuals, companies, and associations. Some have made financial contributions, others have contributed by selfless acts. Everything is relative. A week ago several news

Build It and Pay Them To Come

In late 2017 the new The Perth Stadium was completed. It was officially opened on 21 January 2018. It was announced by the Liberal Government that they would not be selling the naming rights to the stadium, with the then

Time to Look at Quality Rather Than Quantity

The world of coaching has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. If the age-old quote that claimed your were not a good manager until you had been sacked is true there must be a hell of a lot of