Lionel Messi

A Level Paying Field

Whenever people refer to sporting contests the phrase ‘it must be an even playing field’ invariably pops up. Over the years the interpretation of the phrase has changed. It used to mean that the conditions for all contests and or

Putting The Individual Ahead of the Team

‘Player of the match’ awards in team sports have always been a topic for debate. How often does the goalscorer get the nod over the player who created the opportunity for the scorer?  Is this simply a laziness on the

The Deadend

Sometimes in sport being talented is not enough. As we frequently hear in football today players are rejected because they are too small; they didn’t say that to Maradona or Lionel Messi! Then there are players with a bad attitude,

Games Without Frontiers

Over the years we have seen Politicians use Sport to gain popularity, but sport is not linked to political persuasions, and is rarely played on religious grounds. Sport is something that has the power to unite and have people put