
Podcast #115 – The Biggest Surf Park in the Southern Hemisphere, A Letter, and Are the Media Really to Blame.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

We’re back for our 19th year and our 539th show. Happy New Year! This show is slightly longer than our normal length but we hope that you will feel it is worth it, as we have a very interesting guest

Destiny Rules

Hot on the heels of a year in which there seemed to be a World Cup every month, 2023 will open the new year with the FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup, being hosted by India. This will be the 15th

Time To Give The Fans And Potential Fans Clarity

It was the former mayor of Carmel, movie star, and Hollywood director Clint Eastwood who said, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one.” There are many who will tell you that often assholes are the ones with opinions. That