
Game, Set and No Match Day Programme

With the dawn of the Internet we were told that all the answers we were looking for would be found on the World Wide Web. We were told that libraries would shut down, book and magazines would become things of

Disappointment Increases The Pressure to Perform For India

One of the benefits or travel is being able to read local newspapers in various countries and see how the local journalists view their teams and sportsmen and women. It is also interesting to read the styles of reporting. Thankfully

A Time To Go Public or Not?

In today’s society we are frequently reminded that one must have a “digital presence.” We are also frequently told that various activities such as sport are “inclusive.” Are these statements really true? Is there a time and a place for

Breaking the Silence

I would like to apologise for the fact that there have been no posts in the past few weeks. I was in Turkmenistan commentating at the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. Apart from a very busy schedule and