Indian Olympic Association

World Cup, a Game of Snakes And Ladders

Most people reading this would be aware of the game of Snakes and Ladders. A children’s board game where you move along numbered squares from start to finish, if you land on a square with a ladder you can jump

Who’s Left?

At a time when Hockey should be looking forward to the year ahead and concentrating on the finalising of the revolutionary Pro-League it appears as if it is instead a time for introspection. Which understandably has many who love the

Just When I Needed You Most

The Hockey Pro-League which is due to be launched in January 2019 is a competition that many believe will revolutionise international Hockey. As with any major changes in life there are those who are in favour of this new competition

Hopefully History Will Not Repeat

News that there may be no Hockey India League in 2018 seemed to send the Hockey world into shock. After all this was the blue riband hockey event away from Internationals. It was a high calibre competition attracting the best