
The Sore Points of Hosting

What is it they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? No matter how carefully you plan an event, and how many people check and double check that everything is in place and that there will be

Should Match Schedules Be Reviewed?

The Asia Cup hockey tournament finished at the weekend and India were victorious over Malaysia in the final, and claimed their third title. The tournament had a new format this time around, after the round-robin pool games the top two

Protecting the Integrity of Matches

At the start of 2017 football great Marco van Basten was advocating that FIFA look at adopting many of the rules of field hockey to improve the game as a spectacle. Yet maybe it is time that Hockey looked at

Time to Quash Rumours With More Information

It was back in June that the International Hockey Federation (FIH) announced the teams that would participate in their revolutionary global league to be known as the Pro League. Within a month of that announcement India withdrew both its men’s

Sticking to the Letter of the Law

Whatever the sport the common cry from fans is that they want the rules or laws to be clear cut, and the officiating of those rules or laws to be consistent. Sadly some sports still leave many rules or laws