Drawing A Long Bow?

No doubt most of us can remember being told as a child not do something. Don’t open that box, don’t look in that cupboard. As soon as we were told not to do something it made many of us more

The Selection Policy

Sport is loved by many the world over. Yet how many people really know the sport they love? They may know individual teams, players or statistics and results from years gone by, but how many know how the sport is

A Challenge to Human Spirit

It used to be that the world was far more Black and White. Newspapers were in Black and White, Photographs were Black and White, and Television was in Black and White. In those long gone days the rules and laws

Time to Celebrate Difference and Excellence

Imagine being told that you could not play basketball or netball because you were too tall. There would be an outrage from parents and sports fans the world over that a person should be penalised simply because they have grown

Inequality on Many Levels

Most women would know the names of the suffragettes who fought hard votes for women, the likes of Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily Davison who threw herself in front of the King’s horse during the 1913 Epsom Derby and died for