Government funding

The Four Year Cycle, Is It Holding Sports Back?

Everyone knows that today sport is big business. The money tied up in sport is phenomenal, some would say obscene when you look at areas in our everyday lives that are desperate for money, education and health being two. To

To Stream Or Not To Stream? That Is The Question, and Whether Tis Nobler To Buffer And Suffer the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Criticism.

The dawn of the computer we were told would change the world forever, and there is no doubt that computer technology has. Not only that, but the rate of change due to computer technology has become faster than any changes

Podcast #78 – Ron Smith Discusses The Re-introduction of The AIS Football program, Should Government Be Bailing out Sport, and That Development Conundrum.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It has been interesting to see how many podcasts have popped during this period of isolation, we thank all of your who have stayed loyal to us during this period. Remember you that you can subscribe for regular updates of

Has Olympic Expansion Reached Breaking Point?

What is the aim of the Olympic Games? The Mission statement from the International Olympic Committee reads as follows: “The mission of the IOC is to not only ensure the celebration of the Olympic Games, but to also encourage the regular practice of

Too Much Sport? Is Quantity More Important than Quality?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” is part of the opening line of Charles Dickens famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities.”