
Something’s Gotta Give

One thing that hopefully Australia has learned during this period in history is that too many tiers of Governance leads to confusion. We have had our Federal Government make an announcement, but then the State Governments have made their own

Podcast #78 – Ron Smith Discusses The Re-introduction of The AIS Football program, Should Government Be Bailing out Sport, and That Development Conundrum.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It has been interesting to see how many podcasts have popped during this period of isolation, we thank all of your who have stayed loyal to us during this period. Remember you that you can subscribe for regular updates of

A Time to Talk and Make Changes

There have been many great leaders who have turned a negative situation into a positive one. It will be interesting to see how many of our corporate, governmental and sporting leaders manage to achieve this during the period when many

2020 – A Time For Clear Vision

Next year will be the year 2020. Twenty-twenty vision is often perceived to be perfect vision. However if you talk to those who work in this field they will tell you that twenty-twenty vision in fact only indicates ‘the clarity

Hockey, One step in the Right Direction

“The more things change the more they stay the same” is an oft used epigram from French Novelist Jean- Baptiste Karr, and Hockey fans in Australia are hoping that this will not be the case with their sport.  A year