
Sticking to the Letter of the Law

Whatever the sport the common cry from fans is that they want the rules or laws to be clear cut, and the officiating of those rules or laws to be consistent. Sadly some sports still leave many rules or laws

Oops Terry’s Done It Again

Is professional sport there for the athletes or is it there for the fans? Or is it simply a money making business of which both athletes and fans are secondary? It would appear that some sports do not know the

New National Premier League – The Move That Had to Happen

All sport essentially belongs to the people who play it, coach it, officiate it, and watch it. So why is it that many who are privileged to work within the sporting world seek to gain personally from that involvement? Why

Goalkeepers Left Out in The Cold.

Congratulations to all the Winners at the FIH Hockey Stars 2016 Awards announced at a gala dinner in India in the past few days. It was great to see Hockey have an actual awards ceremony to recognise the international players

Unstuck In The Middle

Perth Glory scored a good win over Melbourne Victory at the weekend. Yet it all could have been so different. Nebojsa Marinkovic scored from a trademark free-kick when Lawrence Thomas made it so much easier for the dead-ball specialist by