Frank Lowy

This Sporting Life

If current players influence the players of the future, and the top coaches of the past and today influence many coaching and planning to coach, who influences sports administrators? This may seem a strange question, but personally I am greatly

Changing of The Guard But Will The Goals Be The Same?

Last week Football West announced the appointment of their new CEO, following the resignation of Peter Hugg, who had been in the role for six years. Mr Hugg left to become Head of Football at Football New South Wales. The

Hot Topic Flares Up

The King is Dead, Long live the king. Ever since “New Football” came into being under the dictator-like Chairmanship of Frank Lowy it has been a case of do as we say not as we do. Mr Lowy may have

Standing Up For The Game

Since the publishing of “Another Fine Mess” on the weekend, which highlighted the Football West’s failure to call an Annual General Meeting in 2015, an offence under the Criminal code, there have been some who have felt that criticism of

FFA and Fans Square Off

Tonight the new Chairman of the FFA Steven Lowy and his Chief executive David Gallop will meet with A-league fans, and it could be the most important meeting the FFA have ever held. It may also open the new Chairman’s