Fox Sports

Too Much Sport? Is Quantity More Important than Quality?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” is part of the opening line of Charles Dickens famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities.”

TV Deal Must Be Thought Through

There are many football fans across the country who were celebrating the news that Fox Sports may relinquish its stranglehold on the Hyundai A-League television rights which could result in more matches being shown on free-to-air television. However hasn’t football

The Blame Game

Australia lost their opening game of the 2019 Asian Cup to Jordan. The defending Champions have since come under immense scrutiny following that defeat. The coach has been criticised, the players have been criticised, and even the officials have been

Following The Line

You only have to look at the world of Politics to see how certain Media outlets rather than reporting the facts and letting the public draw its own conclusions seek to influence public opinion. What makes sport any different? Anyone

Will Bigger Mean Better?

Last week the Football Federation of Australia announced two new Franchises for the A-League.  It is fair to say that the announcement was met by indifference rather than excitement.  One new team, Western Melbourne will join the A-League in season